funny concept, very annoying to play however and no offense to kevin but his narration was pretty short and i got really tired of hearing his voice after being stuck in the great pacifc northwest for like 4 minutes.
funny concept, very annoying to play however and no offense to kevin but his narration was pretty short and i got really tired of hearing his voice after being stuck in the great pacifc northwest for like 4 minutes.
this is kevin shove it
good game, sadly i don't have friends to play it with
I love the little detail whenever you walk next to The Goddess she lifts up her fingers so you can walk under them. Nice detail.
Only problem I had with it, is it's a little hard to determine where you'll get hit. Saw blades are extremely big yet there's quite a bit of room for error because surprisingly the hat doesn't count as you getting hit.
Anyways, great game, loved every moment of it.
concept interests me, however i can't play the game anymore so i sadly gotta rate it 2 stars.
interesting concept however i suck at video games.
it sucked
Alright. I used to love this game, and well I still do but ever since the death of Flash, this game has had so many bugs it's unbelievable. Ammo counter doesn't show up, neither does text a lot of time, and the game is just a lot slower than it used to be. The game still does FUNCTION, I can do sweet ninja flips and shoot people in the face with a glock, but other than that it's just sorta disappointing to see this thing a bit dead.
Just a game of cup, but in it's simplicity it's really fun. The mechanics it adds aren't too hard to understand as long as you have a basic memory and I like how more cups and the fact that Billy won't move when certain cups are switched adds this element of memory based skill. Hard to explain but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
it's just pong but 3d. the title says it all.
Pretty good! It's an interesting concept and it makes what detail it has look really nice. I have complaints though, you spawn to close to walls sometimes making me try to speed through a level and I just crash into a wall that's directly next to me. Also sometimes I finish a level and I'm going fast but I crash into a wall on the last piece that I need to collect. But that's it, the game is hard and I suck at video games so I couldn't make it too far but that's more of my skill and not a fault of yours. EDIT: Oh yeah level balance. Some early levels are harder than later ones and it kind of ruins the flow. I expect games to gradually get harder, not be hard then go easy on me again.
Hi! I'm apleno. Or on this website ApplewentAnimated, if I ever get supporter again I'll probably change it to something else.
Here on my Newgrounds account, you will find a variety of art that I post, cause it's the only thing I'm good at.
wannabe gamedev
the place
Joined on 5/22/16